Radon CEU Courses

Our radon courses have been developed to deliver an elaborate amount of information that will set you up for success. Not only did we include all the essential information, but we made sure it is delivered in a manner that anyone can take our courses no matter how much experience you may have with math and science. Joseph Lyons, our leading instructor, has been in the radon business for over 26 years so we can guarantee you will get the best for your time and money. 

We understand that radon measurement technicians and environmental professionals only have so much time in their schedules that can be allocated to certification and re-certification, and for that reason, we offer four different ways to access and complete our courses. Students who go through our courses have a VERY high success rate on national and state exams because we provide them with multiple ways to prepare and review.  

We are approved Nationally by AARST-NRPP and NRSB as well as specific states such as IL, NJ and OH. For more information click here

  1. Live 
  2. Live Webinar
  3. Online
  4. Home study
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AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

Live Webinar: Radon Measurement Professional Course | 16 hour | March 18th & 19th (8 a.m. - 4-p.m.) EST

Live Webinar Radon Measurement Professional Course – 16 hour Course Times: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST (Both Days, Breaks Included) Who should take this course Are you ready to...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

Online NRPP Radon Measurement Professional Course - 16 Hour Initial

Radon Measurement Professional – 16-Hour Initial Training This 16-hour Initial Radon Measurement Professional training course will teach individuals the methods that are used in radon testing for real estate, commercial,...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

NJ Online 4 Hour Continuing Education Course: RRNC

NRPP Approval #ECAN-503 New Jersey Approved: Online Radon Resistant New Construction 4 Hour CEU Course This 4 hour online continued education course will cover the understanding of methods that are...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

New Jersey Online Radon Measurement Technician Initial Course - 16 Hour

Are you ready to add the #1 requested environmental service in a real estate transaction to your professional repertoire? The 16-hour Initial Radon Measurement technician course will teach individuals the...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

Online: Radon Resistant New Construction Course-4 CEU

NRPP Approval #ECAN-503 Radon Resistant New Construction 4 Hour Continued Education Course This 4 hour online continued education course will cover the understanding of methods that are used in radon-resistant...


NRSB Approved Courses

Radon Measurement & Mitigation Refresher Course - 8 Hour CEU Course

Radon Measurement & Mitigation Refresher NRSB Approved 8 Hour CEU course This radon course is a continued education approved course that will give you a refresher on radon measurement and...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

AARST-NRPP Approved: Online Radon Measurement Continuing Education Course - 16 CEUs

Online Radon Measurement Continued Education Refresher Course – 16 CEU This course is designed for those who are already certified and are in need of a 16 CEU recertification or...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

Online Radon 4 CEU

Approved: 4 CEC Hours This is a 4 Hour Radon Measurement Continued Education training course that is meant to give you a refresher on how to measure for radon in...


AARST/NRPP Approved Courses

New Jersey Radon Measurement 4 CEU Refresher / Online

AARST-NRPP Approval # NJ ECAN-400 New Jersey Home Inspection Advisory Committee (cc100006) : 4 hours This is a 4-hour Continuing Education course intended for New Jersey Radon Measurement Technicians who...



Illinois Online Radon Measurement Professional Course - 16 Hours

Illinois Radon Measurement Professional Course – 16 Hours Are you ready to add the #1 requested environmental service in a real estate transaction to your professional repertoire? The 16-hour Initial...
