Radon Training

Initial and Continued Education Training: Radon Measurement Technician Courses and Exams 

Radon Measurement Technician 16 Hour Course

Are you ready to add the #1 requested environmental service in a real estate transaction to your professional repertoire? Did you know that performing only three tests a week can add a revenue of $19,500 per year? Would you like to take a course and receive between $600-$900 in earning potential from the supplies you receive (which basically reimburses you for the course)?

The 16-hour Radon Measurement Technician course will teach individuals the methods that are used in radon testing for real estate purposes and individual homeowner tests. Our course will also explore how and where to market your new professional service and explain to your client the next steps to take after the initial radon test results.

Approved Radon Certification Programs

National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)

Who is the NRPP? The National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) is recognized as the nation’s leading certification program for radon professionals, with over 2600 certified professionals qualified in measurement, mitigation and as radon laboratories. Administered by the AARST, professionals engage in a process of continuing education, standards development and quality assurance, performance testing with compliance oversight. Most licensing States recognize and/or require the NRRP approved courses as well as non-licensing States strongly recommend a radon measurement provider complete an NRPP approved course.

National Radon Safety Board (NRSB)

NRSB certification is formal recognition of professional excellence based on qualifications, high ethical standards, and continuing education in radon services. NRSB provides industry professionals the recognition for their integrity and quality of work in the radon industry. They believe that the quality of the nation’s radon program depends on the integrity of a certification program.

Radon Measurement Technician  Entry Level  16 hours:
ECAN-1, Classroom
ECAN-2, Home Study
ECAN-3, Web Based – Online self-paced & Live Webinar

New Jersey Radon Certification Program 

On or after April 1, 2016, individuals who want to become a New Jersey certified radon professional must attend an entry-level training course approved by NJ NRPP for the number of hours required by the certification category, Radon Measurement Technician is 16 hours, and a Radon Measurement Specialist is 24 hours. Be sure to take a NJ NRPP course that is approved for New Jersey Certification. The State exams are now available to be taken at various PSI locations throughout the State.

Radon Measurement Technician Course-16 hours
NJ ECAN-1, Classroom
NJ ECAN-2, Home Study
ECAN-3, Web Based – Online self-paced & Live Webinar

Other States that require a Certified Training Provider for Radon Measurement Licensing have approved ECAN as a course provider
California, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Minneapolis, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida (Pending)

NRPP Approved Radon CEU Courses 16 Hour & 4 Hour CEU

You most likely need CEU for your radon license in the states listed above or NRPP recertification. If this is the case now is the time to register for an approved course.

National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)

The NRPP as well as most State Radon licensing programs, excluding NJ, IL, and FL, require you to attain a total of 16 CEU’s over a two-year period. You must attain this before the end of your two-year period by either taking an approved 16 CEU course or multiple mini courses that will total 16 CEU’s.

Radon Measurement Technician  Continuing Education 16 CEU:
ECAN-9011, Classroom
ECAN-902, Home Study
ECAN-900, Web Based – Online self-paced & Live Webinar

Radon Measurement Refresher  Continuing Education  4 CEU:
ECAN-201 Classroom
ECAN-301 Home Study
ECAN-401 Web Based – Online self-paced & Live Webinar

New Jersey Radon Certification Program 

As of April 1, 2016, the Radon Section will no longer administer the certification exam or maintain an approved list of initial and continuing education training courses. The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) National Radon Proficiency Program (AARST-NRPP) will administer the New Jersey exam and maintain a list of all approved training courses that can be taken for New Jersey certification.

If you are already New Jersey certified you do NOT need to take the NRPP-NJ exam or retake initial training, just continue with your continuing education by taking NJ NRPP approved courses under Annual Certification Renewal. As long as a continuing education course is approved and on the NJ NRPP list, regardless of whether it is on the list for measurement or mitigation, it can be used to fulfill the continuing education requirements for radon professional certification in New Jersey.

It is important to understand that regular NRPP CEUs ARE NOT the same approvals used for NJ re-certification. They must be approved as NJ CEUs. Also, if you take an online training, a certificate that is for Classroom approval is not accepted by NJ Radon Section. There are separate certificates issued for each method of delivery.

Radon Measurement Refresher  4 CEU:
NJ ECAN-200, Classroom
NJ ECAN-300, Home Study
NJ ECAN-400, Web Based – Online self-paced & Live Webinar

Delivery Methods for the Radon Courses

We offer the course in three approved learning methods:

Live Classroom Training  ECAN performs live class training around the Nation. Our professional instructors are or have been involved in Radon Measurement. Our instructors demonstrate and show the equipment that is used in the industry. Quizzes and exams are given during the class and reviewed to ensure you are ready to take a State or Nationally recognized exam.

The value of taking our live courses is the student will receive:

  • Physical hands-on experience with equipment
  • One-on-one experience with an instructor who has field experience
  • Questions answered on the spot
  • Networking with other attendees

The benefit is the class student will receive:

  • A printed course manual (not a PowerPoint Book)
  • Copies of the appropriate guides in reference to the course
  • Document material examples that are used in that industry
  • Coupons that are redeemable with our vendors for free items or discounts (as applicable)
  • Marketing advise and references

Live Webinar Training  We understand expenses that are associated with traveling to a class. ECAN is very proud to have launch one of the most professional learning methods of today. We are able, in most instances, to run our live webinars consecutively with live class courses. This gives added value to the student as they can hear other questions being asked by the class participants, have networking capabilities, and can see the training area from high-definition camera points (not thru a typical webcam). Students also can ask questions to the instructor which will be answered right then and there!

The student will receive:

  • A username and password to access the live taught web presentation
  • A digital course manual (not a PowerPoint book)
  • Digital guides pertaining to the course
  • Access to an online timed exam
  • The presentation is also recorded so the student can review up to 15 days after the live presentation

Online Self-Paced  Our online learning course is just like the student being in a live classroom training being individually taught. The course is not a prior recorded class training, but an audio PowerPoint Presentation where the experienced instructor presents the course in a manner geared to the individual. The online course has a downloadable manual, handouts, and videos that are needed to attain an understanding of Radon Measurement. The online course is great for those who cannot take time out of their busy schedule to attend a live class and want to take the training at their own pace. Timed quizzes and exams are given at the end of each section. At the end of the quizzes and exam, you have the option of reviewing your answers and/or retaking a quiz or exam to achieve a better score. This will help to ensure you are ready to take a State or Nationally recognized exam.

We understand busy schedules, time off work, and expenses that are associated with traveling to a class. We also understand that class instruction can be very fast paced and student may miss certain areas of the training or need more time to review materials.

The student will receive:

  • A username and password to access the recorded slide/video presentation
  • A digital course manual (not a PowerPoint book)
  • Guides, forms and handout that would be given in class
  • Access to an online timed exam.

Home Study ECAN provides the student with all the materials that are used in a live class such as the printed manuals, PowerPoint Show, and handouts (excluding the equipment). A home study course is great for those who may have complications using a computer or who do not have time to attend a live class and those. Timed quizzes and exams are provided at the end of each section with an answer key to ensure you are ready to take a State or Nationally recognized exam.

The student will receive, by their choice, a printed course manual or an e-book PDF as well as a copy of the PowerPoint show…just in case you want to look at the highlights of the course. All the forms, documents and guides that are given in a classroom setting is also mailed to the student.

At the end of the course, the student has an option of an online timed exam or receiving the exam via fax. If the fax option is chosen, the student will be timed on its return.

It is important to know that two states, Ohio and Florida, only accept live training as a qualification for initial radon licensing.

Radon Exams

Radon exams are not required by all states. Some states have their own specific exams, most licensing states recognize the National Radon Exams which are the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB). However, two states have their own radon licensing exams, Illinois and Florida.

Exam and Fees

Directly following a live training (where applicable), ECAN gives the student the opportunity to take the NRPP exam  and NRSB exam at an additional fee. The student must register, at a minimum, of two weeks before the class to have the exam available.

The exam is timed and proctored by an NRPP approved proctor. The exam has 100 multiple choice questions. A passing grade is 70%.

If the student has taken an online / home study course, or would like to take the exam at a later date, the student can register at an NRPP approved PSI secured testing facility.

The fee for the exam directly following a Live Classroom Training ONLY is $135. You can also add this fee to the live class in the class registration.

NRPP Exam click here.

NRSB Exam click here


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