About Us
ECAN was formed in 2015 exclusively to provide industry professionals with a network enabling the members career progression through quality training and education necessary to confront environmental and safety issues faced by consumers owning or occupying property. ECAN, LLC is organized not only to provide training, protocol standards, and code of ethics and conduct, but to provide additional means to market and enable the network member to earn additional income. Report writing will initially concentrate on Mold Assessment Reports and Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Reports. Report writing allows for the furtherance of inspection, assessment, and remediation skills of the members to better serve customers with undesired and possibly unknown environmental impacts. The writing process aids and assists the customers understanding of environmental threats that could adversely affect the health and quality of life of people occupying the premise. The concept allows for a win-win situation for network members as well as ECAN, LLC.
Corporate Function
Network consultants and affiliates, as independent building assessors, remediation contractors, and restoration contractors provide inspection, assessment, remediation, and restoration services. These environmental services are concentrated on molds, radon, lead, asbestos, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in-door air quality, and other environmental hazardous areas. The environmental services comply with or exceed regulatory and industry standards.
Network Services
ECAN services the Network. The Network operates to fulfill three service functions; network membership, training, and report writing. ECANs Network enables consultants and affiliates to provide superior environmental services to consumers, private and public.
Network membership enables the building inspection, assessment, remediation, and restoration contractors to earn a living, fostering career development, and build, operate, and grow an environmental service business.
Training enables the member to gain corps competencies, leading to certification and expertise in applied environmental sciences.
Report writing enables the member to deliver certified environmental reports to their customers aiding and assisting their understanding of environmental threats that could adversely affect their health and quality of life.
ECAN offers license-renewing continuing educational credits and certification training required by most State and national organizations. We offer professional benefits including: training courses, equipment, supplies, and product discounts, access to professional Error & Omissions Insurance plus other insurances, photo identification cards, member network directory, marketing programs, company website page advertising, inspection standards, remediation and restoration protocols, plus more. We train students for environmental inspections, assessments and remediation such as: EPA Lead Renovator, EPA Dust Wipe Sampling Technician, Energy Audits, HUD GPNA Tool, mold, radon, lead, asbestos, allergens, bacteria, MRSA, H1N1, virus, Legionella, VOC, Sick Building Syndrome, Building Related Illness, and green building, recognized by the EPA and USDA. Reports are prepared for the network members and ECAN, LLCs clients including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM 1527-13), Transaction Screen Assessments (ASTM 1528-06), Methamphetamine Labs Remediation, Indoor Air Quality and more.