Online Radon Resistant New Construction Advanced Certification Course


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NRPP Approval # ECAN-501 

Radon Resistant New Construction Advanced Certificate Course

This 4 hour online advanced certificate course will cover the understanding of methods that are used in radon-resistant new construction. The course also covers the ANSI-AARST standards on Radon Resistant New Construction and what is required by different states. This course comes with a workbook, which must be completed in order to obtain your advanced RRNC certificate (This course is also approved by NRPP for 4 CEU’s)

What is Advanced Certification?

This advanced certificate classroom course will cover the understanding of methods that are used in radon-resistant new construction. The course also covers the ANSI-AARST standards on Radon Resistant New Construction and what is required by different states. This course comes with an exam, which must be completed in order to obtain your Advanced RRNC Certificate

Upon purchase of the course you will be mailed an ANSI-AARST RRNC 2020 CODE.

The design of this course is to give a radon professional or contractor an understanding concerning the installation of passive radon reduction systems during the construction phase of a home.  It is not intended for use as a course for licensing or certifying of a radon mitigator, nor radon measurement provider.

Building codes in different states

“Building codes are the key policies that determine how homes and other buildings are designed and constructed. In some states, the state legislature, an executive branch agency, or an appointed board decide what’s in the building code for the entire state. In other states, local entities (counties, cities, towns, etc.) traditionally decide what’s in the building code. Nine states (CT, IL, MA, MD, MI, MN, NJ, OR, WA) require radon-resistant construction methods. Since homes with high radon have been found in every zone, IL and MN protect homes in all areas; other states only require RRNC in homes in Zone 1 counties. Four states (IL, MN, NJ, WA) cover all types of homes; four states (CT, MA, MD, MI) limit protection to one and two family homes and townhouses; one state (OR) covers the same plus apartments” (AARST-NRPP)

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