Mold Equipment

ECAN offers up to date Mold and Indoor Air Quality Sampling pumps and accessories. Now that you have obtained your Mold/IAQ Inspection certification, we can help you purchase the Sampling Kit that best suits your business. Our customer service department is well versed in explaining the differences in the different media sampling devices and Pumps. We also offer Pump Calibrations here at our facility.

AirPro Mold Pump Kit
AirPro Mold Pump Kit
Basic Mold Sampling Starter Kit
Diaphragm 2 Pump Kit
Diaphragm Sampling Pump
Dual High Volume Rotary Vane Pumps
Lite IAQ Air Sampling Pump
Mold Turnkey Package deal
Mold Assessor Turnkey Business Package
Mold Sampling Deluxe Kit
Ultimate Sampling Starter Kit